Survey Methods and Analysis

The aim of this group is to provide a focal point for researchers in the School of Social Sciences on the development and application of survey methodology and the analysis of complex survey data.

social statistics graph

More specifically, the focus of SMAG is on topics in survey methods and statistics, including questionnaire design, design of data collection (including longitudinal data collection), measurement error, interviewer effects, compensating for non-response, small area estimation, non-probability sampling, data linkage, and integration, confidentiality, and privacy.  


Current PhD students

  • Fiona Pashazadeh - Addressing non-response in biological data collection using nurse effects and survey paradata.
  • Hafsteinn Birgir Einarsson - Improving response rates and data quality through optimised survey invitation letters.
  • Raul Ungureanu - Understanding comparisons between surveys and social media data.
  • Sofia Eleftheriadou - Collaboration problem solving and science teaching and learning.
  • Zeming Chen - Using proactive approaches in preventing web survey break-offs.